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About Us

We are Advertsing1st
from Waterloo, ON

The ultimate goal of any business is to achieve success. However, this involves navigating a competitive landscape filled with companies similar to your own. Typically, the most successful business is the one offering the best products and services, right? Well, not always. Unfortunately, many exceptional ideas have failed for various reasons, including the inability to appeal to customers. At Advertising1st, we recognize this crucial challenge and offer a solution to help elevate your brand by prioritizing your needs and putting your brand need first.



  • • Approach the project with an empathic understanding
  • • Understand user experiences, motivations and frustrations
  • • Gain a profound understanding of the issues involved
  • • Immerse in the project and set apart my assumptions
  • • Identify and Analyse the direct competition
  • • Understand the buyer's interaction with the brand


  • • Put together the information collected
  • • Define the problems and create the problem statements
  • • Develop features and functions that solve user's problems
  • • Define the questions that help channel future solutions
  • • Address the problem by naming the problem


  • • With the user's needs in mind, Ill be laying on paper the first ideas
  • • Create an approach to solve the problems found
  • • Analyze all ideas through a brainstorming process
  • • Think outside of the box, create and innovate
  • • Find the best way to solve the issues and pain points
  • • Keep your users' needs upfront and central for all process


  • • Selected ideas will be used as the base for sketches.
  • • Sketches are the less expensive to transform ideas in the visuals.
  • • I like to make 3-5 options to transfer my thoughts on paper.
  • • Sketches help the client visualize the upcoming project.
  • • Implemented sketches into the wireframes and prototypes.
  • • Static wireframes will be changed to interactive prototypes.


  • • Evaluate the results and refine any encountered problem.
  • • Ensure that the process moves flowless and smoothly.
  • • Interact with the prototype, and collect feedback.
  • • New alterations and improvements applied to the prototypes.
  • • Make sure the user likes and interacts well with the final product.

When it comes to your brand, plan and dream big

“There isn’t any significant difference between the various brands of whiskey, or cigarettes or beer. They are all about the same. And so are the cake mixes and the detergents, and the margarines… The manufacturer who dedicates his advertising to building the most sharply defined personality for his brand will get the largest share of the market at the highest profit.”
David Ogilvy
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does”
Steuart Henderson Britt
“Building a profitable personal brand online is not a sprint, and something that happens over night. Don’t aim for perfection early on. Instead allow your brand to evolve naturally over time and focus on providing massive value and over deliver to your target audience. Then you will get more clear over your message and brand as well. Always remember that!”
Navid Moazzez