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Enhance Furnishing

Mobile App
Working from home has created a new reality: our lives are balanced between home, work, and the "third place." But what exactly is third place? It's where we go when we're not at home or work - it could be where we pursue our hobbies, sports, passions, and beliefs or where we like to hang out.
As our homes play an increasingly important role in our lives, achieving balance among the three places is essential for a harmonious existence. The Enhance App is dedicated to assisting you in turning your home into a multifunctional space where you can live and work while also serving as your third place for relaxation and enjoyment.
Enhance Furnishing


The new logo features a re-arrangement of the traditional format, resulting in a fresh interpretation of the norm. Rather than utilizing all tall capitals or all small letters, the new normal is achieved through a harmonious combination of taller and smaller letters.


The new logo features a re-arrangement of the traditional format, resulting in a fresh interpretation of the norm. Rather than utilizing all tall capitals or all small letters, the new normal is achieved through a harmonious combination of taller and smaller letters.



The warm and sophisticated appearance of the burnt orange is complemented by the bright and lively teal, creating a familiar yet exhilarating accent. When paired with blue-ish grays with a hint of blue and complemented by black, this combination evokes a pleasant and calming atmosphere, making the house a welcoming and enjoyable space.


The Syncopate Bold typeface blends uppercase and lowercase letters to appear fresh and distinct. It aligns well with my notion of exploring alternative methods to represent the current reality as the "new normal." On the other hand, the Futura font conveys a refined and uncluttered design, imbuing a sense of steadiness and familiarity.


From the first screen, I wanted to welcome the user with four rotating frames with the option to skip. These frames promote featured products or discounted offers. Next, I invite the user to enter the beautiful world of Enhance Furnishing from the first screen. You can feel the atmosphere of serenity proposed through excellent products and modern spaces.
Using modern and esthetic products, I wanted to create an atmosphere where users can feel at home. Therefore, I used images with a lot of space and furniture elements with a central place.


Defining your house is crucial because feeling home entails being immersed in an environment that aligns with your tastes and inclinations. With the house's layout, I aim to provide users with the ability to customize their living areas through the following options:
• Select Your Preferred Color Scheme - Determine the ambiance you wish to establish in your space.
• Design Spaces Based on Function - Specify the purpose of each area and create an atmosphere that complements it.
• Identity Your Requirements/Desires - Ensure that your personal preferences are the driving force behind your choices.


Designing a comfortable living room involves selecting the appropriate sectional, center coffee table, and TV placement to define the space. It should create an ambiance that accommodates reading, relaxing, watching TV, and socializing with others.
• Achieve Functionality and Aesthetic – Striking a balance between functionality and appeal is effortless.
• Craft A Hospitable Atmosphere – Establish a warm and friendly environment for yourself and your visitors.
• Highlight Natural Points of Interest – Showcase decorative pieces that attract attention to specific areas.


Create a hospitable ambiance that imbues a sense of comfort akin to being in your abode. Remember, it's crucial to remain true to your feelings about what makes a place feel like home.
To restore the balance, it's vital to furnish your home with suitable pieces that complement its overall aesthetic. The correct elements are necessary to achieve the desired effect. Allow Enhance Furnishing to assist you in achieving balance.

Revamp the Furnishing Application.
Discover the Ideal Equilibrium for Your HOME.